Tara Kareta

Tara Kareta

Tara is a RYT 500 yoga teacher completing her RYT-200 under the guidance of Patti Doyle and Lori Pagliaroni at Thames Street Yoga and RYT-300 Spritual Warrior Program at Yoga Farm Ithaca with a focus on Kundalini, Ayurveda, Enneagram and Moon Cycle. Tara was initially drawn to the peaceful aspect of yoga after years of long distance running and as a professional fitness competitor.  She loved the connection between breath and movement and found peace from the busy world we all live in.

She offers a restorative Vinyasa Flow with opening mediations, creative sequencing with movement and much-needed pauses, restful shavasana and readings.  Happily welcoming all levels to her class, Tara wants to share her love and passion for yoga, meditation and breathe work.

She sets out to give students a space for transformation and growth. Her intention is to help people cultivate attention within to help open oneself to be touched by life with an open and engaged heart.  Throughout practice focusing on breath to get present so we can all move with ease on our mat and throughout our day.