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Reset Restore Roll into Recovery: A Myofascial Release Workshop

Wednesday, July 10
Cost: $49

My-o-What? Join E’loise Tamer to learn this beneficial self care practice.

Myofascia is the combination of muscle and fascia (connective tissue) that can be found throughout the body.  Fascia is the living seam system that links everything inside you together.

Inflammation, Injuries and surgeries can restrict fascia, limit our range of motion, cause pain and create health issues.
Self Care is an invaluable component to a happy life, mind, body and soul.  

This workshop will be a GENTLE practice where you will learn how to self massage your trigger points (muscle knots) and release any tight spots in your fascia. This work flushes toxins out and increases the blood flow and circulation to those tissues.  

Please wear comfortable yoga attire & we will provide Yoga Tune Up Balls for all participants and some Hand Rollers.

Handouts will be provided to take home & Yoga Tune Up Balls will be available for purchase for continuing your practice at home.

Earlier Event: May 28
Yoga Outdoors Summer 2024