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8 Week Online Course - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - MBSR

As developed by
The Center for Mindfulness at the UMass Medical School

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an intensive 8-week, evidence-based course designed to help people in distress discover the healing power of mindfulness.  Created by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the late ‘70’s, MBSR has helped over 24,000 graduates learn to cultivate awareness in the present moment and discover their natural capacity for wellness, ease, and peace of mind. 

Offered by
Nancy Bennett
A Brown University Certified MBSR teacher trained at the Center for Mindfulness (CFM)
UMass Medical School

& the Mindfulness Center at Brown

Learn more about Nancy at her website

We have come through so much in the past year and half - a chaotic political scene, a pandemic that won’t quite recede and appears to be surging anew, vaccines that saved our lives even as the virus evolves and erodes it, the searing images out of Afghanistan, and the dire news about the environment with wild fires, floods, frequent storms, and changing weather patterns adding an element of disturbing uncertainty to our lives.

Once again, life as we knew it is evolving into something different; we learn again that the only certainty is change.

As we struggle to adjust to a new and often unwelcome normal and the daily visitors of uncertainly and fear take new forms, the skills and practices of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) are more important and essential than ever.

In 8 weekly classes and one All Day session, we will explore what causes stress, how perception affects stress levels, what makes it difficult to manage stress, and what helps free us from reactivity to stress so that we can respond with wisdom and compassion for ourselves and others. And we find that even in the midst of uncertainty, there can be peace, tranquillity, and joy.

Through a variety of mindfulness practices including sitting and walking meditation, the body scan, mindful movement/yoga, and loving kindness meditation, participants will learn to bring awareness to thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations to empower themselves to move through these days of crisis with greater connection to themselves and others and to live their lives more fully, more productively, and yes, even now, more joyfully.

Moments of experiencing wholeness, moments when you connect with the domain of your own being, often include a palpable sense of being larger than your problems and in a much better position to come to terms with them.
— Jon Kabat-Zinn

This course will be offered online using Zoom and meets weekly on Tuesdays at 6:00pm for 2.5 to 3 hours from February 8-March 29, 2022 with an all day session on Saturday, March 19
from 9:30am to 5:00pm.

The prerequisites for this course are attendance at one (1) of the Free Introduction & Orientation sessions listed below and a completed application and brief interview with the teacher.
Download Application Here

Orientation Dates

Tues, January 25, 6-7:30pm
Tues, February 1, 6-7:30pm
Thurs, February 3, 6-7:30pm

Email to make other arrangements if you are unavailable for these times.

Price: “Pay What You Can” Pandemic pricing. These prices have been discounted to make the teachings more widely available at this time of need.
$200 Base Rate
$265 Sustaining Rate
$350 Benefactor Rate
* Scholarships available.
The Benefactor rate supports scholarship funds for those less able to pay at this time.
Essential Worker Discount - Email Nancy@nowmindfulness for details.
MBSR Graduates Discount – 50% Sustaining Rate.

Dana is a Pali word that means generosity. The Buddha connected the monks and the villagers they served through generosity - the monks gave the teachings freely, the villagers shared their food with the monks. While MBSR is a course with fees, we have tried to add the flavor of Dana to the experience. Sharon Salzberg, well-known meditation teacher of loving kindness in the west, puts it this way: “Pay so you have no regrets.” This beautifully simple phrase allows for reflection to support not paying beyond one’s means but also honoring the teachings and generosity of the teachings with one’s offering.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
— Viktor Frankl

These are some of the many reasons people have turned to MBSR: trouble falling asleep; feeling anxious or depressed, overwhelmed or out of control; impatience with family or friends; problems at work; challenging physical conditions or illnesses; loss; an inability to enjoy life.
Participants report more balance, ease, peace of mind in their lives. Here’s what recent graduates had to say:
• “The course was life-changing – these new communication and meditation tools will become a part of my life going forward!”
• “Loved learning to meditate.”
• “Nancy Bennett is fabulous teacher. She makes all this chaos in our heads make sense!”
• “I learned a lot about stress and how we deal with it – and how there are other options if we bring awareness to the reaction.”
• “The CD sessions were very good for me. After doing them, I had no more unfocused anxiety for the rest of the day.”
• “Learning to meditate - always thought it was much more difficult, but when you just let go of thoughts as they arise, it frees you up to focus again.”
• “Nancy Bennett is an excellent teacher, she showed dedication, encouragement, and caring.”

This live Online Course consists of the following

·       a free 1 ½ hour “Introduction & Orientation to MBSR”

·       8 weekly classes of 2.5 hours

·       an All-Day retreat & daily mindfulness home practices of 45 to 60 minutes a day

The Course Schedule in Detail

  • CLASS 1 Tues., Feb 8th. 6 - 9pm

  • CLASS 2 Tues., Feb. 15th 6 - 8:30pm

  • CLASS 3 Tues., Feb. 22nd 6 - 9pm

  • CLASS 4 Tues., March 1st 6 - 8:30pm

  • CLASS 5 Tues., March 8th 6 - 8:30pm

  • CLASS 6 Tues., March 15th 6 - 8:30pm

  • ALL DAY Sat., March 19th 9:30am - 5:00pm

  • CLASS 7 Tues., March 22nd 6 - 8:30pm

  • CLASS 8 Tues., March 29th 6 - 9:00pm

  • Most classes will be 2.5 hours; Class 1 and Class 8 will be 3 hours.
    Please note the All-Day Session between Class 6 and Class 7 is a required part of the course.

A strong commitment to attendance, participation, and engagement over the 8 weeks is required.  If a prospective participant expects to miss two or more classes, it is recommended he or she take the course at a later, more convenient time. 

An MBSR Practice Manual and CD’s or MP-3’s for home practice are included.

Nancy Bennett is a Brown University Certified MBSR teacher trained at the Center for Mindfulness at the UMass Medical School and The Mindfulness Center at Brown University. Nancy has been offering the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course and mindfulness and stress reduction workshops for several years. She has an MA in Pastoral Care & Counseling with a concentration in Buddhism from New York Theological Seminary and the NY Zen Center for Contemplative Care with experience as a chaplain intern in NYC & RI hospitals offering mindfulness groups for nurses, social workers, aides and other staff and leading mindfulness and spiritual care groups for patients in psychiatric care units. A meditator since 1994, she has studied and practiced in the Vipassana/Insight tradition with renown Insight meditation teachers Joseph Goldstein, Guy Armstrong, Sally Clough Armstrong, Sharon Salzberg, Larry Rosenberg, and Venerable Analayo among others. And, of course, Jon Kabat-Zinn and the MBSR teachers.  She has also completed David Treleaven’s Advanced Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Widening the Window of Tolerance and Supporting Trauma Recovery and is currently enrolled in Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s two year Mindfulness-Meditation Teacher Certification Program.

The history and science of MBSR - 10 minute video

Click the “Watch on YouTube” link to see this short video by Jon Kabat Zinn, the founder, and other early teachers for a look at the program in action and how it evolved.