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Yoga Reboot

Sundays 12:15-1:15pm
October 2, 9, 16 & 23
$50 for 4 weeks or use your class card. Come for one, some or all four.

This is a series of four one-hour sessions designed for students who want to begin their journey back to their regular yoga practice. Stretching, breathing, asana and savasana. These sessions will be progressive with each week offering a bit more, while at the same time, following the lead of those attending.

From Patti: In the last few months, I have had some students return to my classes with the same story. They were regular practitioners until Covid lockdown. Since then, they did some yoga at home, online or stretching, but missed the energy of group classes. However, they were hesitant to return to the studio because they felt they had been away too long and the road back to their yoga bodies would not be easy. But after taking the hard first step back into the yoga room and attending class for a few weeks, these students have all said the same thing…. ”Why did I wait so long? My body remembers. This feels so good!”

Does this resonate with you? If yes, please consider.

The following is a Zen Gatha:
”Chasing after the world brings chaos. Allowing it all to come to me, brings peace.” With everything going on in our lives in recent years, we have been chasing after solutions outside of ourselves. The yoga practice helps us to look inward for the peace that is within.